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The Calendula Review is a creative journal of narrative medicine founded in 2022, and edited by Humanities faculty at California Northstate University College of Health Sciences in Rancho Cordova, CA. CHS is a health sciences-focused institution that emphasizes the arts and Humanities as an approach to teaching empathy, critical thinking, and helpful communication to a largely premed/predental/prepharmacy STEM student population. 


What is Narrative Medicine?

Narrative medicine is a new area of study reclaiming the traditional interdisciplinary approach to patient care. Narrative medicine emphasizes understanding patients' personal narratives to enhance empathy, communication, and healing. By integrating the humanities (art, poetry, writing, and reflective practices) into medical education, narrative medicine fosters a holistic understanding of illness and promotes a more compassionate approach to healthcare.


How do we interpret this at TCR?

The Calendula Review aims to highlight diverse work that serves to enlighten and embody the healthcare narrative, directly and indirectly. We appreciate the voices of medical practitioners, patients, caregivers, and anyone affected by, or involved with, illness or medicine in all its myriad forms.

You can read Issue 2 now! For general information on submissions, please visit the Submissions page. 

©2023 by The Calendula Review. 

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